A HURRICANE IS COMING!!… What beers are you stocking up on?

In Florida, as I type this, folks are preparing for Hurricane Dorian to strike. The good news is that it may not be as bad as we first feared it would. It was first projected to cut across south Florida into the state similar to what Andrew did many years ago. Then it was it projected to come in a little closer to Okeechobee and turn up through the middle of the state. Now the projections show it turning north before coming ashore and riding up the coast to Georgia or South Carolina. But it could still be close enough for parts of Florida to get Tropical Storm force winds including Gainesville, where I live.

Only time will tell if these projections will come true or something completely different and unprecedented occurs. But whatever the outcome many Floridians are stocking up on supplies. Some of us already stock up heavily on craft beer storm or not. But if you were preparing to hunker down and ride something out what would you need to have in your fridge/cooler?

And don’t give me a style like IPA or Gose. I want specifics, brewery name, style and version name, year, barrel aged… all of the particulars. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled brewskies yearning to be freed! (pardon me my patriotism slip is showing).

My current supply is below. At least, one of the fridges.

Some I purchased and some are gifts from traveling friends waiting to be discovered. Will they be discovered during this storm? Not likely. At least not all of them because it is quite possible I will have to go in to work after the storm passes. But when that is done the sampling will commence in earnest.

Be safe,


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